Statistic Reports for CBS Survivor 29
Change Pool

Reports: Voting Report     Top 5 Pools     Overall Winner Picks     Season Report    

CBS Survivor elimination predictions CBS Survivor 29  
Overall Winner Picks
Rank Name Contestant Total Overall Picks
1 Natalie Anderson CBS Survivor 29 predicted winner!
43.9 %
2 Keith Nale CBS Survivor 29 predicted winner!
14.4 %
3 Jaclyn Schultz CBS Survivor 29 predicted winner!
8.4 %
4 Missy Payne CBS Survivor 29 predicted winner!
6.6 %
5 Jon Misch
Eliminated in week 12
CBS Survivor 29 predicted winner!
5.5 %

6 Baylor Wilson CBS Survivor 29 predicted winner!
4.5 %
7 Jeremy Collins
Eliminated in week 9
CBS Survivor 29 predicted winner!
4.4 %
8 Wes Nale
Eliminated in week 10
CBS Survivor 29 predicted winner!
3.2 %
9 Reed Kelly
Eliminated in week 11
CBS Survivor 29 predicted winner!
2.9 %
10 Josh Canfield
Eliminated in week 8
CBS Survivor 29 predicted winner!
1.7 %
11 Alec Christy
Eliminated in week 11
CBS Survivor 29 predicted winner!
1.5 %
12 Kelley Wentworth
Eliminated in week 5
CBS Survivor 29 predicted winner!
1.0 %
13 Drew Christy
Eliminated in week 4
CBS Survivor 29 predicted winner!
0.8 %
14 Val Collins
Eliminated in week 2
CBS Survivor 29 predicted winner!
0.4 %
15 Dale Wentworth
Eliminated in week 6
CBS Survivor 29 predicted winner!
0.4 %
16 John Rocker
Eliminated in week 3
CBS Survivor 29 predicted winner!
0.3 %
17 Julie McGee
Eliminated in week 7
CBS Survivor 29 predicted winner!
0.1 %
18 Nadiya Anderson
Eliminated in week 1
CBS Survivor 29 predicted winner! 0.0 %

This report shows the percentage of time a contestant is selected to be the overall winner.
Only picks made are counted.

Previous Games

  • NFL Pick'em Game
  • NFL Survivor Game
  • NCAA College Football Pick'em Game
  • NCAA College Football Bowl Pick'em Game
  • March Madness Office Pool
  • The Oscars Pick'em Game
  • CBS Survivor Game
  • The Amazing Race Game
  • Dancing with the Stars Game
  • American Idol Game