College/NFL Football Office Pools on FunOfficePools
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How to Play College/NFL Pools
- Choose your Pool Type:
- NFL and NCAA - Best of both worlds - each week choose from both NFL and NCAA games. Regular season lasts from the first NCAA game to the final NFL regular season game.
- NFL Only - Play with NFL games only. For this type of pool, we load up all the NFL games for you when you create the pool. You can delete games you don't want using the Game Picker option.
- NCAA Only - Play with College games only. Regular season ends on Championship weekend.
- Choose your Season:
- Regular Season - Play from the opening game of the season to the last week of the season (NCAA pools end on Championship weekend, Combo and NFL pools end on last game of NFL regular season).
- Regular Season and Post Season - Keep the fun going! NCAA pools go to the National Championship bowl game. NFL and Combo pools end with the Superbowl.
- Choose All Games or Pick Set (Subset)
- Regular (All Games) - This is the most common pool - the commissioner picks the games your pool will play with each week and everyone picks winners for all the games. This is the only mode that works with the Weighted type of game.
- Pick Set - Choose this type if you want to have pool members pick X games out of Y games presented. For instance, the commissioner may pick all 16 NFL games each week, but only want the pool members to pick the winners in 10 of those games (whichever 10 that player chooses to pick). Weighted type is NOT available in a Pick Set pool.
- Choose the Type of Game- we offer 4 ways to score:
- Weighted (1-n)
- Assign confidence points to each game, 1-N, where N is the number of games in your pool (10 is a good number each week). Each game must have a unique confidence number.
- Win the number of points assigned to a game if you correctly pick the winner
- This type of game is NOT available for a Pick Set type of pool (see above).
- Fixed
- Win 1 point per game if you correctly pick the winner
- Custom Weights
- The commissioner assigns the weights of each game each week.
- Win the number of points the game is worth if you correctly pick the winner
- Bonus Points
- Games are worth 1-3 points, depending upon the spread
- Correctly pick favorite or underdog
of 3 or less spread - get 1 point
- Correctly pick underdog between 3.5 and 7 spread - get 2 points
- Correctly pick underdog with spread greater than 7 - get 3 points
- NOTE: Bonus pools are NOT played versus the Spread - they are straight up picks. You get the bonus points for picking an underdog to win, not cover the spread.
- Choose whether you use a Spread or not (NOT AN OPTION IN BONUS POOLS):
- Examples of using the spread:
- If the spread is team A -3.5 points over team B, and you pick team B, you win as long as either team B wins or team A wins by less than 3.5 points.
- If you had picked team A in the above situation, you only win if team A wins by more than 3.5 points.
- Or you can just pick who the winner is (the Spread is only for information
- Control which games are in your pool
- Your pool commissioner selects which games you play each week
- Anyone can suggest games by selecting RECOMMEND GAMES- the commissioner will be able to see all suggestions when he/she makes her matchups
- The commissioner can select games by using the SEASON PASS (selecting all games of a team or a conference), AUTOPICKS (the best 10 matchups of the top 25 and/or NFL games) and/or individually.
- Games need to be selected prior to midnight on Sunday of the week (NCAA Only) or Monday of the week (NFL and Combo Pools). Games can be selected anytime before then, including choosing all your matchups for the entire season
- Choose the Deadline for your pool
- Default - Picks are due before kickoff of each game, or noon of Saturday (NCAA/Combo) or 1:00 Sunday (NFL), whichever is earlier.
- First Game - Picks are due before kickoff of the first game in your pool. After that, ALL games are locked.
- Game Start - Picks are due before kickoff of each game in your pool. Use this option if you want people to be able to make or change their picks at any time up to the start of a game.
- Optional: Tie-breaker
- You can add a tie-breaker - which is to predict the final score of the a selected game in your pool
- Tie-breaker determines the winner if two or more people tie after all games have been played
- Commissioner can prioritize the order of the tie-breaker from five options:
- Whoever picks the winner of the game correctly (had more points on the actual winner than on the loser of the game).
- Which player had the best win/loss percentage (for the week, the segment or the season)
- Whoever was closest to the winning team's score of the game.
- Whoever was closest to the losing team's score of the game.
- Whoever was closest to the combined score of both the winning and losing teams.
- Choose whether your pool has Defaults or not
- Default picks are used when a player fails to make a pick for a game.
- Default options include:
- No defaults
- Home team - player gets the home team
- Visiting team - player gets the visiting team
- Favorite - player gets the team favored to win (using the spread to determine this)
- Underdog - player gets the team not expected to win (using the spread)
- 1 Less - only applies to a player who makes NO picks that week - player gets 1 point less than the lowest score any other player made in the pool that week
- Optional: Segments
- You can set up segments that show certain weeks on the Standings page. Use this if you want to award prizes for winning part of the season - for instance, you may want to set up segments for each 4 weeks of the season. Segments allow people who fall off the pool standings early to have additional chances to compete.
- Most points wins!
- Don't have a pool to play in, join one of our partner pools - they're open to everyone and some offer great prizes.
Why Run A Pool On FunOfficePools
- We do all the work for you
- Just set up a pool and invite your friends
- Automatic scoring after each selection show or game
- See results and standings
- Easy to use invitation system
- Automatic address book keeps track of emails across multiple pools
- Invite your friends with a few clicks of the mouse
- Send messages and reminders to everyone in your pool
- Flexibility in setting up pools
- Run RealityTV and Sports pools from one site
- CBS Survivor and Amazing Race
- College football, NFL football and World Cup
- It's 100% Free!
Why Play A Pool On FunOfficePools
- Easily input your picks on the internet
- Play multiple games
- Trash talk with your fellow players
- Automatic reminders sent when picks are due
- Play our partners' pools - many give out prizes
- It's 100% Free!
Play Our Partners Pools
- Pools are open to everyone
- Play against other fans of College Football from some of the top football blogs
- Some of the pools offer great prizes!
- Have a website, blog, Facebook or Myspace page? Become a FOP partner - it's free and a great way to drive more traffic to your site. Contact us to find out more.